Sunday, May 15, 2005

The Inaugural Post

Hey, man.  We're gettin' the band back together.

This is a place to share our triumphs or frustrations, amazement or concern.  It's a place to solicit advice, spread awareness, or commiserate.  It's a place to tell a good joke, post a link to something funny, or show off pictures of your kids.

At one time, we all worked together, and we'd have these discussions in the hallway or at lunch.  Sometimes they were deep or profound.  Sometimes they were absurd.  It didn't matter.  It still doesn't.  (grin)

We're spread all over the place now, and it's a bit tricky to get everybody together for lunch on 10 minutes notice, but here -- on this blog -- we can still share and connect.  Please feel free to post anything that you'd like the rest of us to see.  For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to act as admin, but I'll happily grant any reasonable request.

My initial concept is that we will restrict posting/commenting access to a very small group of people -- people who still wince when someone uses the phrase "Core Tech", but just as we always welcomed new people into our band then, I'm happy to add people to this blog too.  Just send me a msg which includes the email address of the person you'd like to invite and I'll get them set up.

1 comment:

David said...

Just thought I'd follow up to let folks know I'm here too.

Other than enjoying every minute I have to spend with Nancy, Kiley and Zane, there are a few things that fairly often occupy my thoughts:

I'm thinking a lot about renewable energy (i.e. solar power, pluggable hybrid vehicles, etc.). I've been donating my time to to help them convert video newsclips about pluggable hybrids into downloadable QuickTime movies. At some point soon, I may help them author a promo DVD.

I'm also regularly dismayed by news out of Washington, D.C. but try to keep my spirits up through the humor of Morning Sedition and the Al Franken Show on Air America. Because our local AM station for Air America has lousy coverage and has shifted Morning Sedition to 3am to make room for Jerry Springer, I now do all my Air America listening through podcasts.

My patience with FreeHand Systems is wearing a little thin these days. Until recently I was just happy to be employed but lately, being underpaid for much longer than advertised and some examples of gross financial mismanagement leave me longing for something different.

I've been exploring the idea of charging for recording and production services in my studio. I'm having to weigh the desire to generate money with the facility against the desire to avoid having a stream of strangers parading through our property. I would prefer to emphasize sound editing work that allows me to use the facility without bringing many people in...

More than anything, I still miss being surrounded by a bunch of great friends. FreeHand is just too dang small. I've become very good friends with Kevin but otherwise just don't have the social outlet I had at Adobe. Bummer.