Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Won't Someone Please Think of the Children?

I am really sick of hearing about this whole GTA: San Andreas thing. First of all, why is it that it's perfectly ok to have a game where you perform ruthless crimes like murder and carjacking, etc, etc, but oh no, not show sex! Secondly, the difference in the actual rating is M (17 and older) and AO (18 and older). One frickin year! Talk about a tempest in a teapot. I'm not even going to go into the whole fact that in order to see said offensive titties, you have to apply a patch which does not come from the company. Give me a break. Aren't there more important issues to deal with?

1 comment:

Mike said...

... and this a purely American concern. In other countries, like Germany, they are much more concerned about the ideas represented in the game: the violence, the lack of concern for law and human life, etc.